Wednesday, October 10, 2012

New Source Code Font

As a developer show spends an aweful lot of time looking at and reading text that is not proper English (programming terms, variable names, etc.) I have tried many different fonts over the years to make reading code easier. For the past few years my favorite has been Consolas with attempts at using Droid Mono, Courier, Arial, etc.

A few weeks ago, Adobe release a new series of fonts called Source Code Pro that has very quickly taken over as my choice font for all of my text/code editors. It has very good design, spacing, letter representation, and takes into account often confused characters (like the number one and a lower-case 'l', zero and upper-case 'O', etc.). These differences have quickly made things in my editor look a lot nicer.

Do yourself a favor and download the fonts and give them a try for a day or so. I think you'll like it... a lot!

More details here:

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